Skin problems, spine-related discomfort, joint pain, headaches and migraines, chronic conditions like diabetes and arthritis, and respiratory ailments are among the top reasons most people schedule a doctor’s visit. However, you’re more likely to enjoy better health and well-being if you get into the habit of seeing your doctor even when you’re feeling just fine. Here’s why.
Establishing a Good Relationship
The intricacies of your medical history can help your doctors determine what kind of recommendations to make during each visit. But if you rarely visit, it’s going to be more of a guessing game on their part when it comes to figuring out what guidance to provide. You’ll also be more likely to discuss concerns you may have before a potential problem becomes serious if you have a good relationship with your physician. For example, it’s estimated that 30 to 35 percent of Americans have occasional symptoms of insomnia. If you have a good relationship with your doctor, you may feel more comfortable mentioning seemingly minor things like this during a visit.
Identifying Health Risks
A doctor can develop a better understanding of your lifestyle if you visit for periodic checkups. If you’re an active person, for instance, your doctor may be able to identify potential sports injury or repetitive injury risks based on what they’re observing. They can also collect information on your family history to determine if you may benefit from screenings for diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease, and certain types of cancer. It’s this type of preventative care that can lead to the detection of conditions that can usually be treated more effectively in earlier stages.
Spotting Potentially Worrisome Patterns
Doctors are excellent observers. But if you’re an infrequent visitor, it’s more difficult to spot patterns or changes that could be cause for concern. For example, weight fluctuations between visits could be a sign of underlying conditions that haven’t been diagnosed yet. Even if your weight is fine, there are other health markers, such as blood pressure, heart rate, and blood sugar levels, that should be tracked on a regular basis to spot potential issues early.
Keeping Your Mental Health In Check
It’s not always easy to recognize signs of depression and anxiety in yourself. But your doctor may notice changes in your mood and behavior that suggest you might benefit from a mental health screening. Some emotional and mental health issues can also be a sign of dementia or other conditions that can affect mood and cognitive functioning.
Peace of mind is another compelling reason to see your doctor, even when you’re feeling fine. There’s something to be said for having a better understanding of what’s going on with your body both physically and mentally. Regular visits to your doctor can also give you more of an incentive to play an active role in your health by paying attention to your diet, exercise, and lifestyle habits.